Today I got to explore at full speed. And when I say full speed, it was just that, so much so that I crashed my wheelchair into a bench, but let’s talk about that later.
With a double tap on my wheel, I started off with pure joy taking in all the little things that may seem unimportant, but do in fact have value.
The fallen leaves creating a trail on the sidewalk; the wind blowing in my hair; distance behind me. I couldn’t help but notice it all and thank God for this moment.
Technology has put more possibilities at my fingertips. This is all new to me. I was recently approved for the SmartDrive device due to repeated shoulder injuries and I feel a new sense of independence.
Taking a stroll through the paseos of Santa Clarita, California is a task meant for two if you’re in a chair, but now I can sightsee on my own.
What’s even more cool is how much of this is because of God.
Taking on the day, at full speed, is something the Lord has slowly been teaching me to do.
Living with a progressive disease that gets worse over time can create a whirlwind of emotions that span from heartache to fear to pure determination.
At one point, fear became the dominate emotion leading me and I truly lost myself in that. But that emotion is not from the Lord. God wants us to know that He has given us a special strength to overcome and live life fully.

You Are Stronger Than The Fear Within
When I made an effort to spend time to get to know Jesus, through the Word, He showed me that I am stronger than the emotion of fear.
The only thing fear can do is hold us back from our true potential.
In my 20s, as my body began to experience new challenges, I, more and more, found myself at home. I had spurts of anger, sheltering myself. I said no to family vacations and basically anything too far from my comfort zone. I quit my dream job as my body wore down. I ended up accepting myself as being “almost good enough” due to my disability.
The fear of the future was heavy.
I spent many nights thereafter turning to God’s Word. I knew I couldn’t go on in this defeated manner and I was desperate for help.
With the Lord’s guidance, He lead me to see the pathway that I am supposed to be on. It’s bright, and yes, it has a few cracks here and there, but it’s full of joy and love and purpose. All I have to do is embrace this pathway and follow Jesus.
The Lord has left a beautiful pathway for you as well. He is saying it’s time to embrace it, take note of His promises and begin to walk with Him each and every day. There will be broken pieces that trip you up, but do not doubt that you are still meant to be on His pathway.
Keep moving, allowing His Word to direct you.

Take A Moment To See The Lord’s Vision
Let’s do something different.
Close your eyes.
How do you see yourself?
Do you see your growing strength; your success; the progress you’ve made this past year? Or is it a negative viewpoint?
Remember, the Lord sees you in His light, as His child. He sees your strength; He sees your effort; He sees the progress you’ve made.
Any negative visions can be thrown away.
Now, take a moment and ask the Lord what He sees in your future …
His vision is beautiful isn’t it.
While the pathway He has set before us will require change and will challenge our past thinking, it will make us new and bring us joy.

I pray that we all can begin to see ourselves as new, putting aside fear, and living life full speed ahead with the joy of the Lord. This joy is out of the ordinary because even on a difficult day, you will still be able to see the good, even in the littlest of things, like a trip to the park.
Each day this week, take 5 minutes out of your day and find the joy that is around you.
Write it down and give thanks.
When you crash, get back up
OK, let’s talk about that crash. As I found myself gliding to the park, ready to enjoy the fall sunshine, I unexpectedly couldn’t stop the SmartDrive and crashed. Of course, I first looked around hoping no one noticed this pretty noticeable crash. My chair was going a couple miles per hour, which is faster than you’d expect. I went right into a cement bench, hitting the front of my legs, which were thankfully covered by leg braces.
I realized the motor attachment was jammed underneath the chair and unless I wanted to kill my arms, I’d have to call for help to get back home.
Surprisingly, I wasn’t upset. I just laughed and thought, well, this is a good lesson learned. The old me would have let this incident stop me from exploring in the future, but that’s not the spirit God has given me. I actually can’t wait to try again.
So, when you’re easily walking through life and you suddenly crash, please know that God is there. You may have to call and ask for help, but there’s nothing wrong with that.
We are going to hit bumps that will be difficult to deal with, yet the Lord has given us the ability to keep moving ahead using His strength that He placed within us. What an amazing gift.
“Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked stumble into ruin.”
Proverbs 24:16 HCSB
As God firmly states – we will be able to get up again.
This is because He is the one strengthening us to get up again. He is the one guiding us along the pathway. He is the one giving us new vision. He is our joy.
The Lord has given us everything we need to live fully.
Danette, thank you so much. I definitely needed to read this today.,it is helping me to accept my new challenges but with more strength. Love you!