The time has come to take another look at the guide God so graciously left behind for us. No matter where you left off, or even if you have yet to turn past the first page, take another look, because God is waiting for you.
That’s the goal this week – to put our focus back on the Bible.
Each and every page has a piece of wisdom the Lord desires for us to receive. We first have to be willing to open our hearts, and then, the book itself. This seems easy enough right, but just as I have, you may find this to be a task that is difficult to be consistent in.
I believe the Lord is asking us, here and now, to return to His word consistently so we can truly know Him and build an understanding of the pathway He has planned for us.
“I am teaching you the way of wisdom; I am guiding you on straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction; don’t let go. Guard it, for it is your life.”
Proverbs 4:11-13 HCSB
The Bible Is Our Connection To God
The value of the Bible is so immense that it can’t be measured in simple terms; it is where we build our bond with the Lord, have our minds renewed, and our hearts made whole.
Through His guidance and love, the Lord is bringing us back to life, away from sin. We have to take seriously His request to guard His teachings, because if we treat the Bible as only a book, then we put ourselves in a position to be influenced by the world.
The word of God is alive because it becomes active within us, guiding us in everything that we do.
As a follower of Christ, I do not want one single person to miss out on this gift. God loves you and wants to provide you with a life of peace, joy, and fullness that can only come from Him.
“My son, don’t forget my teaching but let your heart keep my commands; for they will bring you many days, a full life, and well-being.”
Proverbs 3:1-2 HCSB
The source of this full life comes not only from giving Jesus your heart, but also from getting to know the Lord through the word, and following His lead.
Take Another Look With Prayer And Patience
Reading scripture is not always easy; actually it can be overwhelming without prayer and patience.
When I first starting reading the word, I received sound advice from a fellow churchgoer, who said to start with the Book of John and get to know Jesus first.
As I focused in on the New Testament, my life was transformed. All of these lessons from Jesus made clear the very areas of my life I wasn’t sure how to deal with. While I didn’t understand each and every line, I read on and on, interested to see what Jesus and His disciples would reveal.
But when I started reading the Old Testament, suddenly I was lost in family lines and ongoing wars. I couldn’t recall one thing I read. I decided to read a paragraph here and there, and then go back to what I knew best – the story of Jesus.
Today, I still haven’t finished the Old Testament, but in making a recent commitment to the Lord to continue on, I am beginning to take in more than I ever did just trying to finish a section using my own knowledge.
This is where having an open heart when reading the Bible really matters. I had to be honest with the Lord and ask for help.
If you are having trouble reading scripture, say a prayer asking for the Lord’s assistance.
Father God, I am struggling to read certain parts of the Bible, but I want to know your word. Please accompany me in my studies and help me understand what you need me to learn.
Give The Lord Your Attention
God needs our attention, especially when it comes to the not-so-easy-to-read parts of the bible.
Here’s why: He wants us to learn from the patterns of old.
One of the main points God is showing me as I take another look at the Old Testament is that we need to pay attention to what God is asking of us, because so often we can drift from His wisdom and use our own. Countless individuals chosen by God in the days of the Old Testament did just that – what they wanted.
The Lord is asking us to depend on Him instead.
“Trust the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-7 HCSB
In order to think about the Lord in all our ways, we have to know Him. The only way to know the Lord is through the word.
Today Is The Day To Get Started
There is no better time than right now to start building your relationship with the Lord.
Start this week with reading Proverbs 3 and Proverbs 4, which is all about trusting God and His instructions. Then, move forward into an area you have never read, or a portion you’ve already read but didn’t understand.
Let the Lord in as your teacher; keep reading and rereading if needed.
Use bible highlighters to note any sections the Lord is bringing light to, that way you can return to it later. As you grow in knowledge, those highlighted sections will become even more clear, helping you make sense of an entire chapter.
Another bit of advice I heard this past week during a church sermon is one I would like to leave with you as you open your Bible.
“Read [the Bible] as a letter from God to you, where He is literally trying to show you how to have life in Him.”
-John Stratton